Borno state relaxes lockdown indefinitely

The Borno state high powered committee on covid19 has announced the suspension of the lockdown order with immediate effect.

This was released in a statement from the Borno state Deputy Governor late Wednesday. The lockdown was suspended due to the progress in the fight against Covid-19 over the last three weeks , as the stringent measures were said to have yielded the desired results,

“The lockdown will be suspended indefinitely to study the situation for the time being, and where the situation escalates the Government would revert it’s stance.

“The use of facemasks by the public is made mandatory and traditional , religious, community leaders and are to enforce social distancing, especially in public gatherings/worship places.

” The restrictions is made on public gatherings, not to exceed 20 people.

“The committee Re-emphasize that all medical consultations by Pharmacies , patients medicine stores that are related to Covid-19 or similar ailment shall be referred to Government Hospital and on no account should Government hospitals reject any patient whether because of COVID-19 or other ailments.

“Jumma’at prayers and the five daily prayers shall be observed in all mosques , likewise churches should conduct services and all shall observe strict adherence with social distancing and the use of facemask.

“Other messures adopted includes the ban on the sales and consumption of liquor and other intoxicating substances while , defauters will be prosecuted under the liquor law.

“While measures are put in place to enforce restrictions at all entry and exit points across the state, drivers of exempted vehicles bringing in essential goods into Maiduguri will be subjected to Covid-19 test at the point of entry into the state.

“Meanwhile, Civil Servants of grade level 1-12 are to continue to Work from home except directed otherwise”.