
Bring perpetrators of S/Kaduna killings to justice – Peace NGO tells Govt

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By Gabriel Udeh, kaduna

Kaduna state Government and other relevant authorities have been called upon to ensure that no one is sparred in the effort in identifying and swiftly bringing the perpetrators of the recent killings and destruction in the state to justice.
The Call was made on Monday in a statement on the attacks in Bido and Ungwan Pah communities in southern kaduna in Jemaa local ofvof the stat,  by community initiatives to promote peace (CIPP) Program, and community peace action network (CPAN).

The statement signed by Co-Executive Directors, Interfaith Mediation Centre (IMC), Pastor Dr. James Movel Wuye& Imam Dr. Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa, strongly condemned the killing and destruction of properties and express theit deepest condolences to the families of the victims killed during the unfortunate incident. 

“IMC wish to expressed with deep concerned and share its pains over the unavoidable destruction and loss of lives and properties of the affected communities the incident that occurred on Saturday 25th November and the early hours of Sunday the 29th November 2020 at Ungwan Pah and Ungwan Bido village, Aso District in Kagoma Chiefdom, Jema’a local government areas of Kaduna State. 

“We wish to strongly condemn the killing and destruction of properties and express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims killed during the unfortunate incident. We are calling on the relevant State authorities to spare no effort in identifying and swiftly bringing to justice the perpetrators of these killings and destruction.

“We are using this medium to appeal to the youths to desist in taking laws into their hands, instead reporting to the appropriate authorities for necessary actions and solutions. It is also imperative that youth should eschew the tendency of vengeance and reprisal attack on each other while accepting the culture of tolerance of ethnic and religious differences that often exacerbate conflict.

“We are calling on all relevant stakeholders to join hands in promoting dialogue and reconciliation as the best alternative for mitigating conflict and building peace in their communities, while soliciting that we all need each other to make our various community peaceful”, it stated.

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