
Buhari not the problem, but our representatives, Igala-Bassa group leader.

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By Labaran Tijani, Lokoja.

The Director General of Igala-Bassa Alliance, Dr Goodman Umar Akwu for the re-election of president Muhammadu Buhari in the forthcoming presidential election has debunked the notion that the Igala nation has been abandoned by the All Progressive Congress(APC) led administration in the center.

Dr Akwu, a chieftain of All Progressive Congress (APC) and former governorship candidate of All progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) in the last gubernatorial election in kogi state said rather than blaming President Buhari, those peddling the impression of abandonment of the east flank of Kogi state should blame their representatives.

The Director General of the Igala-Bassa Alliance for Buhari’s continuity group disclosed this in Lokoja in an interview with journalists, saying that the news making round that president Buhari is not being fair to the Igala nation is false and a handwork of mischief makers.

Dr Akwu who said it’s good to give honour to whom honour is due, stressed that it’s on record that president Muhammadu Buhari appointed some people of Igala extraction to juicy position, besides sustaining many others in his administration that were appointed by the previous administrations,that supposed to be a blessing to the enclave.

“It’s a wrong notion, belief and perception, being spread around that president Buhari hates Igala -Bassa speaking people. Mischief makers are behind this news. I say, it’s a handwork of mischief makers. As far as kogi state is concerned today, the two major key appointments made from the state by president Muhammadu Buhari led administration were given to two of our eggs in the east district of the state: Professor Ikani Oseni and professor Sam Egwu, were appointed Minister of state in Federal Ministry of Labour and productivity and Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC) for Niger state respectfully”.

“I still want to remind this ignorant ones that the National women leader of the APC, Hajia Salamatu Baiwa -Eluma, the state coordinator of the federal youth employment scheme, popularly called, the em-power , Alfa Momoh, Chairman of Code of conduct Bureau, Justice Isaiah Idoko, the Executive Director Nigerian Development Bank, Anthony Okpanachi and many others in sensitive position in the present administration are from the east of Kogi state”, he expressed.

Stressing that there are many Igala-Bassa sons and daughters, like the Director General of NARSDA, Professor Seidu Mohammed Ogar and others that were in position before the advent of president Muhammadu Buhari government, he said because of his respect for the tribe, he still retain the concerned in their respective position; adding that, if not, he has the authority to remove and replace them.

He said that the Igala-Bassa Alliance group that comprises leaders and members of political parties, besides APC, Unionists, students, youth group, women, artisants, among others from the east district of the state came together to canvass and tasks eligible voters in the flank to vote for president Buhari so that the tribes can have another privilege to ask for more appointments and institution of infacture facilities to address the pressing needs of the people in the areas of the state.

“We are affiliate of other political organisations yearning for president Buhari to continue for another four years in office. Igala-Bassa ethnic group have been living together for centuries. We are into marriage of confidence, having identified our selling points, so, we are out to sell president Buhari to the electorate in the flank for him to continue for another four years. We are set to compliment or support the party to ensure Mr. President receive victory at the polls in the forthcoming presidential election; therefore, we are working towards attainment of one goal”, he said.

He advised the people of the east district of kogi to exercise caution, with rare inputs of their much acclaimed wisdom by voting for president Buhari, and “shun those trying to use the sin of the son to kill the father, because the son is yet to get his bearing right with the people”.

“If the people have any grudges against the leader, they should direct it to the concerned, not to president Buhari. The president Buhari I know will never support anything that is unconstitutional or illegal. The law of the land empowers people to seek for redress against leaders via legislature and judiciary arms of the government, as spent out by the constitution. So, rather than venting the anger of the son against the father, or vice versa, the people should endeavour to apply constitutional means to straighten things out”, he stressed.

The Director General of Igala -Bassa Alliance for Buhari continuity noted that beside the group interest, belief and party, among the myriads of presidential candidates, “the words of integrity, transparence, ability and bravery” can only be found in the life of president Buhari, adding that the tribes from the east district known for the above quality from the beginning of their creation should vote for him(Buhari), “for he is literally their own”.


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