


China secures bumper autumn harvest

By Yu Jingxian, People's DailyChina is now busy reaping autumn grain crops, after seeing a bumper harvest of summer grain and early rice.The country's...

U.S. sanctions threaten global economic security

By Zhong ShengThe International Monetary Fund projected a deep recession in 2020 in its latest World Economic Outlook, saying the growing restrictions on trade...

China’s high-quality development sparkles with greener progress

By He YinChina made unprecedented efforts of pollution control during its 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), which has obviously improved its ecological environment and...

Chinese people content with China’s housing support system

By Zhao Zhanhui, Han Xin, People's DailyIn Daxu village of Qucainka township, Qamdo, southwest China's Tibet autonomous region, stand rows of newly built houses....

U.S. interferes in other countries’ internal affairs, threatens global political security

By Zhong ShengWhat is security? How can people guarantee safety?Martin Luther King Jr., the American civil rights icon, had actually provided an answer to...

China to make greater contribution to safeguarding world peace

By He Yin"The great victory of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea is a declaration that the Chinese people have stood...

International wine expo wraps up in NW China’s Ningxia

By Liu Feng, Yan Yunming, People's DailyThe ninth Ningxia International Wine Expo at Helan Mountains' Eastern Footconcluded in Yinchuan, capital city of northwest China's...

U.S. interferes in other countries’ internal affairs, threatens global political security

By Zhong ShengWhat is security? How can people guarantee safety?Martin Luther King Jr., the American civil rights icon, had actually provided an answer to...

Young man returns to hometown in mountainous area of SW China’s Yunnan to become teacher after graduation from college

By Yang Wenming, People's DailyWhen he finally received his admission letter from a college in July 2012, Zhang Xinwen, a young man from the...

‘Cliff village’ in SW China’s Sichuan shakes off poverty

By Cheng Shijie, People’s DailyA fleet of tandem trucks carryingwind turbine bladesmoved slowly along a winding mountain road from Xichang, capital of Liangshan Yi...

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