
CGC enhancing life by building water infrastructure

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By Austin Maho

CGC Nigeria Limited’s Water Supply Division boasts a remarkable presence in the engineering project sector, offering a host of international competitive advantages.

These encompass water project construction proficiency, adept project subcontracting management, and concurrent capabilities in design consulting, operational management, and market development.

Since its foray into the water industry in 2001, the division has successfully erected over 100 water facilities across 36 Nigerian states. These facilities serve the vital needs of 70 million people, encompassing daily life, industrial production, and general water supply, thereby playing a pivotal role in elevating living standards and fostering economic and social development in Nigeria.

One of the division’s standout achievements is the Greater Abuja Water Supply Project, which commenced in May 2021. This ambitious endeavor, spearheaded by CGC Nigeria Limited’s Water Supply Division, represents a significant infrastructure milestone for Nigeria’s capital city.

Managed by the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) and jointly financed by the Export-Import Bank of China, the project aims to establish four pipeline loops, augmenting the city’s water supply capacity by an impressive 480,000 cubic meters per day.

The project encompasses the installation of 415 kilometers of ductile iron water distribution pipelines with varying diameters ranging from DN1500 to DN200. Upon completion, it is expected to alleviate water scarcity in 50 districts, benefiting an estimated 2.5 million residents.

This initiative transcends mere water supply; it is a holistic strategy to elevate the quality of life within the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) by ensuring a safe, dependable, and abundant water supply to its populace. The project yields a multitude of social advantages:

1. **Enhancing Quality of Life:** By extending and commissioning water supply pipelines, the project addresses the final “mile” of the water supply network. This expansion elevates the city’s water supply capacity from 240,000 cubic meters per day to an impressive 720,000 cubic meters per day. Consequently, it effectively resolves the long-standing water shortage issue in the capital area, substantially enhancing residents’ quality of life and overall health.

2. **Fostering Employment Opportunities:** The project directly employs more than a thousand local workers during construction, indirectly creating a myriad of additional job prospects. This stimulates local employment and income growth while simultaneously nurturing a cadre of talented Nigerian individuals, thereby enhancing the skills and overall quality of the local workforce.

3. **Promoting Sustainable Development:** The project optimizes the existing water plant, enabling it to operate at maximum efficiency and minimizing resource wastage. It broadens the reach and capacity of water supply services, resulting in more efficient system expenditure. This creates a virtuous cycle and lays the groundwork for the long-term, stable development of water supply services in the capital region.

4. **Boosting International Competitiveness:** By strengthening the water supply system in the capital area, the project serves as a foundational pillar for economic, social, and cultural development. Furthermore, it bolsters Nigeria’s international image and enhances its soft power on the global stage.

As they say water is life, CGC by contributing to the development of the Nigeria’s pipe borne water infrastructure is enhancing the standards and quailitu of life of Nigeeians

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