
Changing national anthem won’t solve national challenges

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The assent of President Bola Tinubu to the recent bill passed by the National Assembly to revert to the old national anthem as the nation celebrates 25 years of uninterrupted democracy is a misplacement of priority. Nigeria under the current administration is encountering serious challenges in virtually all sectors of the economy. Nowadays, it is hard for citizens to feed due to the skyrocketing prices of food items. One may buy foodstuffs today but on returning the next day will most certainly buy the same foodstuffs at higher prices. If there is one thing the government should have prioritised, it should have been price stability. Sadly, the legislature prioritised the least of our worries by enacting a bill to return to the old national anthem, while the President assented to the bill, thereby making it a law.

Due to the pressing economic situation in the country, many students in higher institutions of learning have abandoned their studies because of the rise in tuition fees and other expenses. Some of them, hitherto sponsoring themselves to schools, could no longer afford to do so again when the twin policies of Tinubu( fuel subsidy removal and exchange rate unification) were introduced. The ripple effects of these policies didn’t spare tuition fees of higher institutions of learning, and indigent students who couldn’t afford to pay the astronomical fees had no choice but to drop out. Pessimism is the general mood that has greeted the student loan scheme introduced by the Tinubu administration.

Our President should address the major challenges bedevilling Nigerians. Unemployment and Unemployability among the young demographic are a threat to the nation’s peaceful coexistence and development. To have such a demographic not involved in production, innovation, or wealth creation is a waste of resources. Therefore, policies that will empower, create enormous jobs and help the young demographic become a strong player in the economy are of the essence.

Insecurity, especially in the North-West region, is fuelling hunger and food inflation. It is already in the public domain that bandits impose levies on farmers in certain states to be able to access their farmlands and cultivate. In fact, in some villages, bandits stage attacks in broad daylight without let or hindrance. Some residents have dumped their businesses, houses, and belongings and migrated to neighbouring villages or urban cities for safety.In summary, what the government needs is the political will to put an end to the problems. This is possible as enough resources, manpower and other necessary inputs are available. One thing we need the Tinubu administration to do is to prioritise the welfare of Nigerians, irrespective of region, tribe or religion. This isn’t the time for anti-masses policies. Rather, the government should find ways to ameliorate the pains of the citizens. Reverting to the old national anthem isn’t a pressing need. Nigerians would like to see the executive and the legislature work harmoniously in revitalising our economy through the speedy passage of result-oriented bills by the legislature and the implementation of policies that are pro-growth and pro-development.


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