Chinese companies in Nigeria quarantine returnee workers

Investigations by Daybreak news reveals that several Chinese companies operating in the country have taken preventive measures to ensure that the outbreak of the coronavirus does not spread in the country.

The coronavirus was first reported in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in China and has since killed over 300 persons and infected over 13,000 others.

Nigerians have been particularly concerned as a result of the large number of Chinese workers living in Nigeria. The concerns were further heightened because in late January many Chinese workers resident in Nigeria travelled back home for the Lunar New Year celebration and are expected to be returning back to Nigeria when the coronavirus outbreak began to spread at a global scale.

the World health Organissation, WHO, has already declared the disease a global concerned as a result of the large number of people already affected by the disease.

The Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) originating from Wuhan, China, has now spread to 27 countries and territories worldwide, with 17,488 confirmed cases and 362 deaths as of February 3, 2020.

Chinese companies operating in Nigeria said they are on top of the situation not only to protect their workers but to also protect the larger Nigerian society.

An official of a major Chinese company with its headquarters in Abuja, who spoke to Daybreak on conditions of anonymity stated that many of their colleagues who travelled out of the country returned within the last two weeks, but noted that they have been quarantined until they are certified fit and free of the coronavirus before they can resume work.

“many have returned and they are in their rooms in the dormitory, they cannot be allowed to come out at least for two weeks when our doctors certify them free then they can resume work”.

He noted that the company had to do this in the interest of the other workers and for the larger interest of the Nigerian society.