
City of Queen Esther’s Children Orphanage Home Foundation Stone Laid.

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Let’s join hands to support her- O.C.J Okocha

Amgbare Ekaunkumo,Yenagoa

Activities marking the
40th birthday and foundation stone laying ceremony of Nice Esther For All Foundation and Nice Esther Alamieyeseigha Rescue Initiative Orphanage Home have been conducted in her ancestral home in Okpiriki in Isiokpo Ancient Kingdom of Ikwerri Local Government Area of Rivers State with fanfare on Saturday, September 11,2021.

Chairman of the occasion, RT. Hon. Chief O.C.J. Okocha while performing the foundation stone laying ceremony of the administrative block of the Orphanage Home at Club 40 Road 1 Nice Esther for All Farm Road, Okpiriki Community, Isiokpo commended the initiator,  Hon. High Chief Dr.(Mrs.) Nice Aleruchi Toboulayefa Alamieyeseigha for supporting the less privileged in the society, adding that the project when completed will benefit numerous people.

He appealed to the federal, state, local governments, corporate bodies, multinational companies , agencies to identify with Mrs Nice Aleruchi Toboulayefa Alamieyeseigha and sponsor the programmes of the foundation.

He thanked her for supporting children over the years through her foundation.

Earlier, Hon.High Çhief Dr.(Mrs.) Nice Aleruchi Toboulayefa Alamieyeseigha paid a courtesy visit on His Eminence King, (Amb) Blessing N.Wagor(JP) Nyenwe, Ali Isiokpo Ancient Kingdom (Wagidi XL) accompanied by her husband and her entourage to inform him and his council of chiefs of the foundation stone laying ceremony of her pet project and her 40th birthday celebration saying that it is her way of giving back to the society.

She informed that she intend to interface with her immediate and the global community to take the foundation to higher level to achieve set goals and to seek the Kings Royal blessings for a successful outing.

Responding, His Eminence King Amb Blessing Nyenwe Wagor thanked Hon.High Chief Dr.(Mrs.) Nice Aleruchi Toboulayefa Alamieyeseigha for her live touching programmes and prayed God to guide,, protect her to succeed and fulfill her desires to impact positively on the lives of the less privileged.

At the thanksgiving mass conducted at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Isiokpo, the officiating Minister, Very Reverend Father John Iheonachor from St.John’the Baptist Omoku speaking on the topic”Be Nice” described the celebrant as a unique woman whose good deeds have touched lives positively particularly the downtrodden.

Taking his text reading from Matthew 7:7-8, the Man of God urged people to always ask their heart desires from God and serve humanity, noting that Mrs. Alamieyeseigha is a fulfilled woman at 40 for impacting positively on society. He said the good work she is doing is building treasures in Heaven and asked God to bless her to do more for humanity.

The Very Reverend Father Nkata  advised those occupying privileged positions to always answer their calls and never turn down invitation from others, avoid class status treat everyone equal and urged people to discover their gifts early for them to be celebrated like Mrs. Nice Alamieyeseigha.

In her testimony, flanked by her husband, Engr.Godknows Alamieyeseigha, she thanked God for keeping her alive to clock 40 years while stating that she  decided to celebrate with the less privileged on the occasion of her birthday to lay the foundation stone  of the orphanage.

She expressed gratitude to her lovely husband Engr. Godknows Alamieyeseigha for his support and urged men to support their wives succeed in life endeavours.

The renowned female philanthropist informed that she got the inspiration to start the foundation from her mother, Lady Confidence Amadiowochi who placed the welfare of children from other families above her children while growing up and also expressed gratitude to her father, Chief Sir Alex Chizindu for giving her quality education.

At the dinner which held in their palatial home in new GRA, 11 Prefa Close, Port Harcourt, the celebration took a new dimension with the celebrant dancing to selected tunes from the turn-table. She was accompanied by well wishers who showered naira notes on her on different denominations.

A radio presenter, Mrs.Jenawari Utomi supervised the cutting of the birthday cake after spelling Jesus.

The Ancient Isiokpo Masquerade band spice up the opening ceremony of the programme and also Sylver Wopara And Green Band rendered melodious soul lifting Christian songs.

The Princess of Kano Emirate, Hajia Samira Ali Muhammad was among dignitaries that attended the occasion. 


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