“Countries Where Adultery Laws Range from Prison to Death Penalty”**

By  Milcah  Tanimu

1. **Indonesia:** While Indonesia lacks national laws against adultery, some regions, like Aceh province, follow strict Sharia law. Adultery and being alone with someone of the opposite sex can lead to a nine-month jail sentence.

2. **Nigeria:** Northern states in Nigeria adhere to Sharia law, which criminalizes adultery. The Penal Code of Northern Nigeria prescribes imprisonment for up to two years and/or a fine for adultery.

3. **Taiwan:** Adultery is against the law in Taiwan, with third parties facing four months in jail, and cheating spouses potentially serving a year. Despite efforts to abolish the law, a 2013 survey showed majority support for keeping it in place.

4. **Philippines:** Engaging in sexual intercourse with someone other than one’s spouse is a criminal offense in the Philippines. Both cheaters can face jail time, with women potentially serving up to six years and men up to four and a half years. If a man cheats on his wife, the woman involved may be exiled for four years and one day.

5. **Somalia:** Somalia takes adultery seriously, imposing severe penalties. Anyone who has ever been married, even divorcees, can be found guilty of adultery, punishable by stoning to death. Unmarried individuals engaging in premarital sex may face 100 lashes. Note that enforcement and interpretations of these laws may vary, emphasizing the importance of understanding local customs when traveling.