
COVID-19: Fake result certificates on sale in Lagos – Abayomi

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The Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Prof. Akin Abayomi, has raised an alarm that international travellers in the state are gaining access to fake COVID-19 certificate.

Abayomi, at a briefing on Monday, said the state government was putting machinery in place to apprehend those doing such unscrupulous businesses.

The commissioner also raised the alarm that there had been an increase in positive cases from inbound travellers.

“Positivity for inbound travellers is on the rise as Nigerians in the Diaspora return to spend Christmas in Lagos. It has come to our attention that a number of people are patronising individuals that sell fake COVID-19 results.

“We are currently putting in processes to identify both buyers and sellers and we will not hesitate to prosecute them,” he said.

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