Create Homemade Air Freshener Gel Easily

Crafting your own air freshener gel at home is a straightforward and budget-friendly method to introduce a delightful aroma into your living space. Follow this basic recipe:


– 1 cup distilled water
– 1 tablespoon salt
– 1-2 packets of unflavored gelatin
– Essential oils of your choice
– Food coloring (optional)
– Heat-resistant container(s)
– Heat source (stove or microwave)
– Stirring utensil


1. Prepare containers:
– Choose heat-resistant containers or jars as molds for your air freshener gel.
– Ensure the containers are clean and dry.

2. Heat water:
– Boil 1 cup of distilled water on the stove or in the microwave.

3. Add gelatin:
– Gradually add 1-2 packets of unflavored gelatin to the boiling water while stirring continuously.
– Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

4. Add salt:
– Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the gelatin-water mixture and stir until the salt is dissolved, preserving the gel.

5. Cool the mixture:
– Allow the mixture to cool slightly before proceeding.

6. Add essential oils:
– Add 20-30 drops of your chosen essential oils for fragrance.
– Stir well to ensure even distribution.

7. Add color (Optional):
– If desired, add a few drops of food coloring for color.
– Stir until the color is evenly distributed.

8. Pour into containers:
– Carefully pour the gelatin mixture into your prepared containers, leaving space at the top.

9. Cool and set:
– Let the gel cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for a few hours until fully set.

10. Use:
– Once set, place the containers in different areas of your home to enjoy the pleasant fragrance.
– Refresh the scent by adding more essential oils as needed.

Remember, store your homemade air freshener gel in a cool place to prevent melting in warm temperatures.