
Crisis engulfs PDP In Sokoto

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By Muhammad Ibrahim, Sokoto

The Peoples Democratic Party is currently engulfed in internal crisis in Sokoto state.

Addressing newsmen recently the Chairman of Sokoto Concerned Supporters, Professor Hamza Muhammad Maishanu and former Provost Shehu Shagari College of Education said they are representatives of a broad spectrum of party members across the nooks and crannies of Sokoto state.

The Professor expressed concern over the recent statement made by the state PDP chairman Bello Aliyu Goronyo that on the 2nd of June 2024 during the stakeholders meeting where he alleged that some members of the party were contracted to destroy the party.

Maishanu further lamented that such provocative statements will undoubtedly sow seeds of destruction in the party.

“We request the Chairman to adress these questions to butress the veracity of his allegations as who are those contracted to destroy the PDP in Sokoto; Who contracted them to do the dastardly act ?; How much was paid or promised to execute this contract ?; and where was this contract given ?”.

He said answers to these questions are necessary for the well-being of the party members in the state whereas these questions are not answered, it will create a wedge among paty members.

“We as conerned members in Sokoto state are democrats, we want democracy to thrive in the party, we would not accept appoitments or crowning of party leaders to satisfy primordial and selfish interests. Let the party members choose their leaders from the ward level through the state leadership”, the Professor averred.

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