
Davido Responds to Nicki Minaj’s Surprise Congratulations on His Wedding to Chioma

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Afrobeat star Davido Adeleke has expressed his gratitude after receiving heartfelt congratulations from American rap sensation Nicki Minaj. The rapper took a moment during her live performance to congratulate Davido and his wife, Chioma, on their recent wedding.

The touching moment occurred as Nicki Minaj was preparing to perform their collaborative hit song “Holy Ground.” Visibly moved by the crowd’s energy, she inquired about Davido’s marital status, to which the audience responded affirmatively.

“Did Davido get married?” Nicki Minaj asked during her live show.

Seizing the moment, she congratulated the new couple, “CHIVIDO,” amidst cheers and applause from the audience.

“Congratulations to Davido and Chioma,” she said.

News of Nicki Minaj’s heartfelt congratulations quickly spread across social media platforms, with many praising her for the thoughtful gesture.

In response, Davido took to his official X page to express his elation and gratitude, writing, “Queen 💪🏾❤️.”

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