
Delta Deputy Govt assures FRSC of govt’s support

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By Anne Azuka

The Delta State Deputy Governor, Sir Monday Onyeme, has assured the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), of the support of government to reduce accidents on the road .

Onyeme gave the assurance on Wednesday when he received on courtesy call, the State Sector Commander of FRSC, Corps Commander Udeme Eshiet at his office, Government House, Asaba.

He said that the Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s-led administration will deepen the relationship which exists between the Delta State Government and FRSC, observing that the administration is always willing to execute programmes that will be of benefits to the people.

He said, “FRSC is a very important organ of government and we are aware of all the dangers that are being averted on our roads on daily basis as a result of your activities.

“The government of Delta State, has always collaborated with the FRSC and I want to assure you that the partnership will continue in its collaboration and partnership.

“We also aware of how you assist accident victims and also decongest traffic on our roads,” Sir Onyeme said.

He added, “you have listed the several areas that the Delta State Government has assisted you including the FRSC Training Institute, Owa Alero, I want to assure you that the Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration will deepen the relationship with your organization.”

The Deputy Governor wished the Corps Commander successful stay in the State just as he urged him to maximize his strategies in curbing road accidents on the road.

Earlier, the Corps Commander said that they were at Government House to congratulate the Deputy Governor for his successful inauguration and assumption of office.

He recalled that FRSC had an excellent work relationship with government when Sir Onyeme was the Chairman, Delta State Internal Revenue Services (DIRS).

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