
Dissolution of Federations’ boards great set back, says Dalung

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By Mike Oboh, Zaria

The decision by the Ministry of Youths and Sports Development to dissolve sports federation boards has been described as a great set back in the democratic development of the federations in the country.

Former Sports Minister, Barrister Solomon Dalung made the declaration at the closing ceremony of the Confederation of African Atheletics Region II championship in Zaria on Sunday night

Dalung who challenged the federation boards to take up the challenge by using all available and legal means to restore their positions, said such inconsistency have always been the bane of sports and democratic gains in the country.

He said the decision was carried out without considering its negative impart on sports development in the country.

He noted that the boards which were dully elected by members of their congress can not be wished away by lack of direction of the ministry.

“The boards were dully elected and it was done under a given rule, so any inconsistency in the direction to turn the hand of the clock back should be challenged by the board, I believe what has been done by the ministry is a setback for sports development in the country” Dalung said.

While commending the Athletics Federation of Nigeria(AFN) under the leadership of Engr. Ibrahim Shehu Gusau for ensuring the successful hosting of the West Africa Region II
athletics championship with nine countries in attendance, said it was commendable that despite the challenges in the country such turnout was witnessed in Zaria, venue of the competition.

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