Do not call your ex, here are reasons why

Having to endure a breakup can be tormenting. Matter of fact, it takes willpower not to fall off the edge or call your ex pleading for a reconciliation. The fact is, sometimes it is healthier to let go.

Therefore, here are reasons why you shouldn’t call your ex:

1. It makes you nostalgic: it’s almost impossible not to want to get back with your ex, especially when the break up is fresh—the nostalgic feelings, the beautiful memories that keep flashing through your mind. The old memories will cause an urge for reconciliation, especially when you are lonely, and it will only make you miserable.

The best thing to do at this point is to find something that will distract you like hanging out with a couple of close friends in other not to feel lonely. This will help you heal and get over your ex.

2. You are vulnerable: your vulnerability depends on the time frame of the breakups. When you just go out from a relationship, calling your ex will be a bad idea because, at that time, you are still going through the healing process, and your ex may want to take advantage of you when you call him/her. So I will advise you back off from that phone.

3. It gives the impression you are desperate: Calling your ex, especially when you just got out of a relationship, will make you look desperate. And no man/lady will want to be with a desperate lady/man. Not calling him/her will help preserve your self-esteem.

Self-esteem is important because it will want to make you look confident, having this feeling that you are unique and things will move on fine for you.

4. Trying to move on with your life: it’s challenging to feel alive after a harsh breakup. It feels like you have come to the end of the road in your life.

Calling him/her or having a close contact will make you not willing to move on, and that could be bad for you because it will affect everything in your life.