Dr Cherry of Ultimate Love Guest debunks rumour that her boyfriend is gay, says they enjoy sex together

Dr Cherry of Ultimate Love Guest has come to the defense of her man against those who claim he is gay.

In a social media post, Dr Cherry stated that those who feel her man is gay should tender prove of their claim.

She also announced that anyone who might have had sodomite sex with her man should step forward to prove it.

She wrote: “LISTEN! LISTEN!! Enough of all this Bullshits. If you know that you (if you’re a man), your father, your brother, your son and your grandfather have NEVER fucked @officialmichaelngene my Man’s ass, neither has he Ever fucked their ass…then you better STOP calling my Man “Gay”. If you want to throw insults, feel free to use a normal insult not an expensive one like calling him “gay” unless you are gay or have gay in your family that he has fucked then let’s see receipts.

If after this Warning your mannerless self continue calling him “gay” then be rest assured that you and all your generations will surely birth gays and shall be punished in both earth and in hell (Mak I enter midnight prayer for all of una senseless trolls)
Or better still sue and arrest y’all for defamation of character.

FYI ! Our sex life lacks nothing as we both are very vibrant (feel free to keep imagining but stay off my Man”.