EFFC Sokoto Cements Existing Collaboration With Press

Muhammad Goronyo,Sokoto
The Zonal Head of EFCC incharge of  Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara states while addressing members of the press at the Correspondent Chapel office along Maiduguri road Sokoto, Bawa Usman Kaltungo who sought collaboration with the press complement the existing xordial relationship that has been existing and promised to make amendments where faults surfaced.
He further said they want to cement and familiarize selves, “not that everything about us is hundred percent correct,we are human beings, and are bound to make mistakes out of will. I very much appreciate what you are doing considering the reports I received from the agency’s public relations officer”.
Responding,the state chairman of the chapel said there 34 correspondent who are decent and assured him of the great partnership.
He added that balancing of stories is necessary,important in many ways and urged the commandant to always lend listening ears whenever the need arises.
Some members of the correspondent chapel contributed that there should be high level trust between the agency and the press so much that accurate reports are passed to the increasing members of the society.


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