
El-Rufai marginalized Southern Kaduna people for 8-yrs – Sen. Shehu Sani

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By Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

The former lawmaker representing Kaduna Central Senatorial Zone, Senator Shehu Sani on Sunday, said the former Governor of kaduna state Mal. Nasir El-Rufai, “boxed the Southern Kaduna people into Boys’ quarters during his eight years of administration.

The Senator stated this at a Sallah dinner celebration with family and friends while reacting to the N423 billion funds allegedly diverted by the El-Rufai’s Administration.

According to him, the former Governor neglected the Southern Kaduna people for eight years, and never carried them along in the affairs of the State.

Meanwhile,” The Southern Kaduna people fought El-Rufai Government to a standstill and never compromised, but the people of Zone two and one were busy applauding him even when he was stealing their monies with his cronies.

He called on the people to fight anybody kicking against the State House of Assembly Ad’-hoc committee probing the alleged N423 billion diverted funds by El-Rufai.

“The State House of Assembly Ad’-hoc committee needs our support and prayers to remain focused and do a thorough job.

“When we speak, people will say it was Governor Uba Sani that signed the loan, when he signed the loan did he say the money should be stolen? Shehu Sani quizzed.

“If not because of this investigation there was no how the people of Kaduna State would know that their money was stolen.

“Despite the humongous loan, people’s houses were demolished, civil servants sacked in thousands and the people of Kaduna state were subjected to all kinds of hardship’, he lamented.

He stated that this war is not only for the Government of Kaduna State, but for all citizens in the State.” Sani added.

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