
#EndSARS: Governor Obiano secures the release of detainees in Akwuzu SARS office

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Anambra state governor, Willie Obiano, today October 17, visited Awkuzu SARS station in the state and secured the release of three persons who were arrested for committing minor offenses but were detained longer than necessary.

Governor Obiano secures the release of detainees in Akwuzu SARS office (photos)

This is in fulfillment of his promise to the #EndSARS protesters on Friday, October 17.

While speaking during his visit, Governor Obiano said the detainees that are being remanded by the order of the court will remain there until their cases are determined by the court.

Governor Obiano secures the release of detainees in Akwuzu SARS office (photos)

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