
#EndSARS protesters launch helpline, online radio ‘soro soke

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EndSARS protesters have established a helpline centre and an online radio platform named ‘soro soke.’

According to the protesters, the helpline is 01 700 1755.

“For the users, these are the prompt numbers: Press 1 for medical. Press 2 for legal. Press 3 for food and supplies. Press 4, 5, or 6 for mental health emergencies,” @fkabudu tweeted.

To aid coordination and communication nationwide, the protesters also launched an online radio platform “Soro Soke.”

The online radio, which is accessible via https://s4.radio.co/s99d55c85b/listen, has programmes and live reports of missing and found #EndSARS protesters, and other updates on the protests across the country.

Tuning in to the online radio around 2:00 pm on Sunday, music were being played on the needs for their voices to count and reforms, amongst others.

“Soro Soke,” a Yoruba phrase, which translates as ‘Speak Up,’ has become a slogan for End SARS protesters in the past few days.

Publisher of Ovations Dele Momodu and former Minister for Education, Oby Ezekwesili and some other prominent Nigerians have shown support for the initiatives.

“I heard our innovative young ones of the #EndSARS protests have just launched an online radio station? Wow! These ones na real Generation! #GenerationIncredibles.” @obyezeks tweeted

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