
Envy, jealousy: Cancers destroying the soul – Fr. Urien.

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By Patrick Wemambu

Characterized by immaturity and selfishness with a tinge of insecurity, they are regarded as cancerous diseases capable of destroying individuals. Just as envy blinds people to the good in their lives while focusing on others, jealousy comes with rivalry – viewing others as threats.

Rev. Fr (Dr.) James Urien of the St. Paul’s Chaplaincy, Delta State University (DELSU), Abraka, Delta State made those remarks celebrating Mass Sunday in his Chaplaincy.

His words; “Jealousy and envy can turn our lives into a living hell. They give us torment. Envy and jealousy are sometimes hidden in our motives. Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-16); Jacob and Esau (Gen 25:19-34);
Joseph and his brothers (Gen 37) with Rachael and Leah (Gen 29:34) are examples where envy and jealousy show unhealthy emotions. These opened the doors to other sinful behaviours.”

Frowning at the instances of envy against the righteous, the reverend gentleman expressed dismay that virtuous people are hated for doing what is right. Even the psychological motive for this hatred is said to be insecurity.

“Some people kill others thinking that death is the end of one’s life. (But) there is life after death. People are resentful to the righteous for being faithful. The evil mistakenly think that the proof of intimacy with God is preservation from any kind of harm. They think harm to the righteous means God is not with him,” the church was informed.

Elucidating on the signs of envy and jealousy in life, Fr. Urien highlighted withdrawal from others, depression, fault finding and backbiting. Other factors include
being unappreciative,
pessimistic attitude and wishing others harm.

Consequences of envy and jealousy identified were; “Stunt in spiritual growth and inability to pray. These make our lives miserable, causing self destruction while
opening doors to other sins. By also comparing and coveting, we become worried – living in sin which destroys relationships.”

Detailing the way forward out of the imbroglio in question, Fr. Urien said; “Confess the sins of envy and jealousy. Ask the Lord in prayer to replace any envious or jealous feelings. Do not provoke jealousy or envy. Strive to be unique. Love God and others. Practice contentment (You cannot have it all). Be satisfied with your little progress. and pray for the fruits of the Holy Spirit.”


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