Ewa’s Thought in Words


We all strive to find us in others. We believe we are the best version ever created. We look at others and see loads of flaws because they are different. Different in looks, different in reasoning, different in appeals, different in approach.

We consider these differences as flaws. We think something is wrong when the people around us or people we chose to love can’t be like us, can’t see things the way we do. We query them, when they dont get to do things our way or like us. . . We forget that we are all beautifully created individuals, uniquely made by God and that our beauty lies in our differences and that you are right in your perception doesn’t make me wrong in mine. What appeals to you may not be my own appeal. The sharpness of your mind may be a far cry from mine. While some people need a repeat and a replay to grasp a discussion or an important intellectual issue under discourse, some people only need to hear the title or topic and the head is already buzzing with fresh unique details and amazing intellectual information on such. Meanwhile, many others are struggling with speed and sharpness of mind.

Teachers don’t seem to understand why some students or pupils dont follow while they are being taught. They judge them by the speed of others. They pick on them and even try to exclude them most times from a supposedly interactive session in class, all because they are different. They are made spectators as though they are very unuseful. They are made jest of as though they are cartoon characters. The demarcation starts right from home when parents tend to pick the smart ones over the not too smart ones, giving attention mostly to outspoken than the quiet. Clearly, the pick marks the difference and so is the treatment .
We consciously or unconsciously tend to exclude the different from our spaces both at home and in public arenas. We seize their courage and instigate their fears. They grow up with certain thoughts of unacceptability encapsulating their weaknesses into life long bitterness.

Should we go on spreading this falsehood of qualifying the different among us as errors? Or should we choose patience and attempt rather to understand the reason they are who they are? I think the second will be a better option.