Ewa’s Thought in Words


We can never understand the mysteries of this life. When we were younger, our parents, especially our mothers bore the most memories of our childhood events and activities because they were mostly the ones who shared exclusive times with us as babies. But as they grow older, they too become our babies as some of them tend to lose their memories either through dementia or through wear and tear of the mind and body, and the events and activities of their last days become their children’s responsibility.

When we were younger, we sought after our parents counsel. We followed every of their instruction like a medical prescription. We believed in their abilities and prided in their strength, but as they grow older, they begin to seek our counsel and pride in our strenght and capabilities.

When we were younger, our parents protected us with their lives,. They practically watched over us and fought against our vulnerabilities. They kept us safe in our frailty. But as they grow older, we begin to do same for them, protecting them against all forms of emotional exploitation and providing them with emotional stability and balance, by caring for them, providing their needs and making them feel special and wanted.

This switch at some point in life is no doubt one of the mysteries of life. God never created us to be independent of each other because, He knows we will not always be strong forever. This is to say, He made us to support one another in our moment of weaknesses whether as a result of body or mind. God knows how difficult life would be and how surviving it alone without any form of mental, spiritual or emotional support can be. The reason our world is growing cold is because we are trying so hard to alter the plan of God in oneness. When we create a rift in the love that is meant to keep us warm, we are making ourselves cold and where there is coldness, there will always be loneliness and where there is loneliness there will always be sadness.

Our parents may not have been the best but they gave us life. They may not have provided us with the best or finest lifestyles but they gave us what they could come by at the time. Some may even have hurt us deeply as children knowingly or unknowingly and we are burdened till this day, with that sick knowledge. But you cannot rule out the fact that they are our parents and they love us all the same. Yes! It’s difficult to forget or forgive being violated, abused or being oppressed by one’s parents especially as it is or should be their responsibility to protect us from any and every form of harm. But can two wrongs make a right? Besides, when we treat our parents shabbily or wrongfully, don’t forget our own children are watching. They may not understand why but they will definitely do same to you in time thinking that it’s actually what should be and this whole process in the long run will become a vicious circle.

Life is indeed an irony. It’s a boomerang. Everyone goes through the same processes. The only difference is time. Time is the boundary between one person and another. . . Even identical twins are not delivered at the same time. Time indeed proves and heals all things.