Ewa’s Thought in Words


There are times and there are seasons.. Time to rise and a time to sleep…
A season to plant and another to reap. Our God is the God of all seasons and times. . . I get really alarmed when people make it seem like God is not God until things are good. How exactly do we want to limit the Creator of all the seasons and times to a particular time or season? Our God remains God irrespective of time or season because God Himself is the time and season through which everything is made manifest.

People tend to move from one place to another in search of miracles forgetting that sleeping and waking up which they benefit each day break is in itself the first greatest miracle upon which other miracles are brought to pass.

Its difficult yes, to go through difficult moments, difficult times, difficult seasons but that’s undoubtably the true identity of a winner. . . For gold to be what it is, for it to be held in such esteem and honor, it first of all goes through a fiery furnace where its true colour and quality is revealed and its prestige earned.

A lot of people associate difficult times with evil. They do not think anything bad can happen when God is with you. They feel difficult seasons and times are the defining features of sinners while the real children of God and non sinners bask in good health and prosperity. The defaulters are punished with difficult times. . . We forget first of all that everything created in this life has an opposite side. just as there is day time so is there also night time. . . The sun as well as the moon, the good as well as the bad. There is no guarantee that as a human person walking the face of this earth, you will only always experience the good side of things, of times and of seasons. This is because, passing through these two opposite sides is an integral part of living life. . . If God Himself as man on earth went through these complexities, who exactly can be immune?

Life is a process, living life is even a more difficult process because it involves a whole lot of planning and execution, multiplications and subtractions. . . Good times are not always as a result of the good deeds we have done or the hard work we put in but as a result of God’s goodness and mercies towards our helplessness and human inadequacies. Remember, if good times was as a result or the reward for good deeds done by an individual, then our Lord Jesus Christ would never have suffered any wrong or faced any hard times because in all His time and years in His ministry, the Holy Book said, “He went about doing good”.