Ewa’s Thought in Words

Living a good life is a tough choice. . .

Life sometimes brings us to the path we never anticipated, to a life we never thought possible. During such occasions, we are either frozen, confused, broken, desperate or even despaired.
The phenomenon of life is unconquerable and in different ways insufferable.

We struggle with being human, we question even our own existence most times, because we can never understand the way things are or will ever be. Getting through each day comes with a lot of demands, a lot of responsibilities and in all a lot of troubles. . . We keep up with a whole lot, trying to be who we think we are or who we think we ought to be.

Life leads us through thick pressures, some of which we are not able to escape no matter our strategies or skills. Life defines our existence while the ability to live a good and worthy life is a combination of determination, application of good sets self and moral values, experiences gathered from past antecedents and lessons.

Life has rhythm, there is always a pattern in the sound if we listen hard. Things are never the way they seem sometimes. In the garden of life are many different ridges on which different crops of life grow. Life remains the reason upon which experiences exist and on which the human life can be recounted in due time. Life is the reason there is history, a chronicle of encounters and events within which many societial values are embedded.

Twisted sometimes, manipulated at other times, there is always a twist to each story of life. There could even be more sides to the same story if you look carefully.

Whatever targets your means of livelihood targets your survival. Life makes us reckless at times. Sometimes, we may even turn rogues with the mind of dealing with it the same way it has dealt with us but at the end of it all, we come out bad in the eyes of all who saw us and how we failed. The battle of life and living a good life is a tough choice we must consciously make, else we will be defeated even before the idea is concieved. Life throws us in different difficult times or situations but it is our choice to emerge good or bad at the end of the day.

Fight this battle called life and never give up, make your mark so that your story will be told someday. Be careful with your choices because they will always hunt your conscience. The worst prison to ever find yourself in is the one you put yourself. Life isn’t easy and will never be. The rich and the poor struggle alike. Poverty is not the only thing that can plague a man, even riches has its own plagues too.

Try to be grateful for small things. Gratitude isn’t only for landmark achievements; your attitude for little things determines exactly the kind of person you are, for good people are those who do not only appreciate every step of their journey but also do not take for granted any and every help they may have had working their way up to greatness.

Life is not rocket science and life is more than logic. God gave us the brain, the conscience and included freewill so that we are answerable to our decisions and choices at the end of our tenancy here on earth. What you choose to do with your gifts, your wealth, your talent, even your poverty is purely your prerogative. No matter who you are or where you belong, never forget one thing: we are all loved and equal in the eyes of God, the only difference there can be, will be the one we create.

Remain positive and know that there is no gain in being bad or engaging in bad circumstances or habits. Always remember, nothing is permanent, even life is not forever but memories will last even in death.