Ewa’s Thought in Words

Endless carnage of pure souls. ..

My heart is besieged
My thoughts slain
My essences torn
For what has befallen humanity is indeed terrible..
The sacredness of life is violated
Each turn and each day unveils the true nature of man.
Surely, humanity has lost it’s way!

Turn by turn they plunder the nation
Breaking the heart of a mother already in pain
How can children concieved in so much love turn out this way?
Forgetting completely the way shown them from birth..
The love they use to share and the boundless joy they each experienced from being together as one household
The rest of the sibilings cry helplessly
Drinking from the bitter cup of several acts of unkindness…
Unleashed by nepotism, unpatriotic acts of individualism which have continuously been fuelled by greed in it’s rarest form.

The partisanship in the land has stirred the children against themselves..
Bad blood flowing freely and ceaselessly in their veins
Once again the heart of a mother is broken
As once upon a time upright children of a proud mother have become the reason for the tears in her eyes.

How did we get here? Where brothers no longer give heed to their fellow brothers? Where the love of a mother can no longer hold the bond and the cord already lost its grip.
The throne is submerged in blood, the blood of fellow brothers spilled without a reason
Unanimity has become a fairytale in the land that once spoke with one voice.

Attackers all around the household
Exploiting the opportunity created by disunity
The result of a poisonous relationship brothers of the same womb now share
The house is sinking because of the level of hate, contempt, ignominy and impunity prevailing in the land..
Brothers now side with foreigners to destroy their own fatherland.
What a shame!

Endless carnage of pure souls.
The soulful cries of women and children who are always the casualties of such unpleasant circumstances fills my head..
What an irony? They set the tone of the war drums yet, they are never the ones in the battle fields.
How have we betrayed our friendship and the love that has kept us thus far?

What do we now build as a people?
What has sentiments and broken relationships fetched the people?
Can there ever be any gain in misery?
What story do we tell the next generation?
What right will we have to judge them, when they probably give up on what is left of their heritage?
Why tear down when we cannot build?
Why breakup when we cannot bridge back?
The sets of why’s keep tearing down my thoughts to the point I have no more words in thoughts.