Ewa’s Thought in Words

Fearfully ahead lies the future . . .

The strange evils of these times leave me pondering each daybreak as I try unsuccessfully to understand what might probably be the motivation for the heartlessness of the new man in this new age. The new ways of man are smeared with evil as his taste and appetite for wrongdoing has become so insatiable that even the society seems to perceive the new evils as norm. Worse and more sad is the fact that even the good people are beginning to resign to this new evil lifestyle.

The innocence of children in this new age has long been sacrificed on the alter of modernization. It’s no news that the social media is always tagged as the biggest culprit in the trending unacceptable practices and deeds. I continue to refer to the evils of the world as strange but truth be told, what we see in the social media spaces and platforms today is the truth of what man has become. This also reinforces the saying that the media is a reflection, a mirror of the society. The social media is nothing but the creation of man. . . And in as much as this creation was actually a necessity in the face of the growing need to improve speed and facilitate efficiency in businesses by enhancing the chains of production, the negative sides of use of some of its applications has long surpassed the positives of time saving, fast track, efficient production. Social media has become the harmful opium in which the world indulges daily while its contents systematically kill the young, the old, teens and even children. No one is spared from this global infection of the negative effects of social media, unless they intentionally make the efforts of consciously staying out of the hook of some of this deadly contents on the social media, targeted at wrecking minds, defiling the human sanity and making same almost globally acceptable.

Have you ever wondered why people in the futuristic movies are so cold? If you haven’t, here is the thing! Most of the contents we consume daily via our eyes through social media is absolutely harmful, poisonoius to our mentality. We watch without flinching how fellow human persons are being slaughtered like goats or cows. . . We also watch how human rituals are being conducted, human beings hacked in parts and wasted as though it’s something unimportant. The respect for the human life has been defied and the sacredness of life trivialised. As if that is not enough, we share and circulate such gory scenes and videos like wild fire and gradually, the fear of killing or taking a human life is fading as the mind is now deprived of compassion and commissioned with the coldness that can enable such gruesome crimes and perpetrations.

Secondly, love which used to be the basis of the human soft side and goodness is gradually getting exinct from amongst us. The menace we have created in our world is slowly but surely dominating the little values that seem to still maintain man’s sanity and orderliness. Love is now overtly overrated as the love of money, fame and every other thing supersedes it. The attributes of great friendship is unquestionably being traded on the platform of networking values which screams, no benefits, no friendship. Compassion, empathy, sympathy and concern which used to be the normal characteristics of an average human person have now been replaced by envy, hate, cold heartedness and other evil collusions. To make matters worse, the new generation don’t have to go to school to learn these dangerous evils because they are very well schooled right in their mothers’ wombs. Did I hear you say how? Oh yes! Science has proven that the child can be tutored while in the womb. . . The problem now is that while expectant mothers are busy consuming the evils most times available on the social media spaces, the child in her womb is busy dousing on same and coming out fully prepared to continue in the practice of what you have successfully exposed them to during pregnancy. Have you not wondered why a year old baby can confidently operate a mobile phone? They navigate through the functionalities of the phone as though they created it. . . It is because they have learnt already too much while they were still incubating in the womb.

The final straw that seems to be breaking the carmel’s back is the evil which hardship and man’s greed has created! Parents no longer give children enough time to know them or even time to teach them the requirements of humanity. Children now come from maternity wards to creche where they spend their entire day with total strangers only to be taken home tired and it becomes a routine almost their entire life because the only time they see mom or dad is when they are being dropped off or picked up; that’s for those of them that are lucky enough to be picked by their parents, else it is mostly the duty of the driver to pick up and drop them at school and after school. . . Painfully, this circle continues down to boarding schools and university and all that. . . Before you know it, we have invented a mechine instead of a human being. They become cold, independent, unfriendly, unlovable. How can they even love when they haven’t experienced self love? How can they love when their growing up has been so devoid of parental love? How can they love when they have never felt loved enough? How can they give love when they do not have it in them?
I do not blame parents for choosing the option of the new ways, of course, they have bills to foot and ends to meet but at the end of the day, it is our world that suffers… and fearfully ahead lies a future that might just be too cold!!!