
FCTA recognizes directors, outstanding staff, with award of dedication to duty

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By Joyce Remi-Babayeju

The Department of Quality Assurance (DQA), Education Secretariat of the Federal Capital Territory (FCTA) on Friday honored outstanding staff with award of dedication to duty.

The Director of DOA, Dr Favour Nse, at the maiden edition of the award and recognition ceremony in Abuja, said that the goal was to recognize the achievements of the DQA community.

Nse explained that the event also provides an opportunity to inspire one another to reach greater heights, adding that “each award serves as a reminder that excellence is attainable, and we can continue to raise the bar”.

She said that the criteria used was assess staff for their integrity, dedication to duty, promptness in carrying out their duties and general attitude to the establishment.

According to Nse, the awardees are “epitome of distinction”, for their unwavering dedication, outstanding skills, and remarkable achievements which have set them apart as true leaders in their fields.

“I congratulate you all for your hard work and commendable contribution to our organization’s success.”

“I urge all of you to continue embracing the spirit of quality, striving for excellence, and becoming the torchbearers of change in our organization and beyond.”

The director disclosed that the DQA was established with a vision to promote and uphold a culture of quality, adding that the award ceremony was a testimony of the fruits of the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Mr Abdulrarak Leramoh, acting Secretary, Education Secretariat, also congratulated the awardees, and promised to improve the working environment to increase workers’ productivity.

Leramoh said that a discussion has already begun on how to alleviate some challenges confronting workers in the field following the fuel subsidy removal.

He stressed that despite the challenges caused by the subsidy removal, the officers still access rural communities and rough terrain in their commitment to ensure that private and public schools deliver quality education.

“The occasion today is to show you that all your efforts were recognized and we will continue to recognize and honour outstanding performance.”

This is because it is the efforts of the quality assurance department that led to the kind of quality education, we are recording in the FCT,” he said.

Permanent Secretary, FCTA,Mr Adesola Olusade, commend the management of the quality assurance department for initiating the award, to honour staff that gave their all, in service to humanity.

Olusade described the occasion as “historic”, said that it has provided FCTA the opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate staff for distinguishing themselves in their official assignments.

“I charge you to continue to discharge the responsibility of ensuring quality assurance and harmonizing standards in both public and private schools in FCT.”

“While I congratulate all the awardees, may I remind you that to whom much is given, much is expected. The reward for hard work is usually more work, and through this you achieve excellence.”

The Permanent Secretary was represented at the event by Mr Ibe Prospect, acting Secretary, Economic Planning, Revenue Generation and Public Private Partnership Secretariat, FCTA.

Mr Mudi Muhammed, the accountant of the department, won the award of the overall best staff, while Mrs. Osaus Osawonyo emerged best in Abuja Municipal Zone.

Other awardees include Mrs. Ngozi Enyonghasin, Bwari Area Zone, Mrs Bello Ruth, Abaji Zone, Mr Ahani Sinday, Kwali Zone, Malam Aminu Abubakar, Kuj Zone, Mrs Osak Felicia, Karshi Zone and Mrs Ogbuka Patience, Gwagwalada Zone.

Mr Tobi Samuel received the Best Zonal Coordinator Award; Mrs Osakwe Felicia, the Best Lead Evaluator Award, while the Most Dedicated Security Personnel Award went to Danke Simon (post humours).

Also, some staff were awarded for good behviour, while former and current directors of the department were also recognized for their contribution to the development of the department.

Reacting to the awards, the best staff awardee, Muhammad, ascribed his success to hard work and dedication to duty.

He said that his dedication to duty has contributed to the increase in revenue generation from about N30 million to about N160 million to N170 million monthly by the department.

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