
FG involves Religious leaders in COVID-19 vaccines awareness

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… as PTF warns of fake vaccines in circulation

By Joyce Remi-Babayeju

As Nigeria prepares the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines, the Federal Government through the National Primary Health Care Development Agency,, NPHCDA, has engaged the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN and other leaders Faith Based Organizations, in escalating awareness on the vaccines among their faithful’s.

Chairman of the PTF, Boss Mustapha said this at the Presidential Task Force on vaccine Sensitization meeting on COVID-19 vaccine with leaders of CAN and scholars.
Mustapha said, ” the meeting is to sensitize you and to seek your inputs on the strategy to be jointly adopted and the role you will play in carrying the messages on vaccines to all adherent of the Christian faith.”

“To reach out to all adherents of our faith on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines.”
” I urge us to be frank, innovative and adopt common objectives of collaboration and determination to overcome the pandemic by reaching out to all adherents of our faith on the safety and effective of the vaccines. Every Christian should be an advocate for the vaccines.”
Mustapha however urged religious leaders to help surmmount the
According to him the global COVID-19 infections has consumed trillions of dollars and other resources without abating while infections have exceeded bone hundred million while fatalities have crossed two million.
He said, ” As we interact over these issues and challenges today , I urge us all to be frank, innovative and adopt common objectives of collaboration and determination to overcome the pandemic by reaching out to our faithful on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Every Christian should be an advocate for the vaccines.

Minister of Health, Dr. Osagie Ehanire noted that there has been vaccines scramble for vaccines which has pitched some countries against each other in Europe, as wealthy High- Income countries have pre- paid to allocate vaccines to themselves.
He further noted that this can be proven by a WHO Spokesman who recently estimated that 95% of vaccines manufactured globally so far has gone to only 10 rich and powerful countries.
Meanwhile, Executive Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency, NPHCDA, Dr Faisal Shuaib has disclosed that Nigeria

As Nigeria joined in the global call equity in the allocation of vaccines since COVID- 19 is a threat to all mankind,
the public has been warned against accepting vaccines without NAFDAC certification , as fake vaccines are already in circulation.
Meanwhile, the African Vaccines Acquisition Task Team AVATT, has approved over 41 million doses of combination of Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines expected in March/April 2021to Nigeria.
Further the Covax facility will be supplying Nigeria with about16m doses of Astrazeneca vaccine which will replace the 100,000 doses of Pfizer mRNA vaccine, which was grossly inadequate.

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