Flood: WaterAid Nigeria Warns of Heightened Diseases Outbreak Amid Open Defecation in Communities

By Joyce Remi-Babayeju
Owing to increasing floodings in Nigeria , WaterAid Nigeriahas warmed that open defecation in affected communities would heightened disease outbreaks.

WaterAid Nigeria raised this concern after the recent devastating flooding which reportedly claimed the lives of no less than 600 people and displaced thousands of people after washing away their homes.

In a press statement issued today by Acting Country Director of WaterAid Nigeria, Abu Jibril made available to Daybreak, raised the concerns of diseases outbreak especially in communities where open defecation is practiced.
The statement read,”The flooding has increased the risks for communities in flood prone regions, in a country where an estimated 38 million people are still forced to defecate in the open, and tens of millions more have very limited access to other forms of sanitation.
When the water comes like it has now, washing away human waste, it raises the risk of disease outbreaks that could further cost lives and impoverish citizens. We need to act fast to avoid these outbreaks.”

 “People who have been forced out from their homes need food and shelter,  access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene.
The number of displaced people forced to live in camps where access to safe water and good sanitation is further compromised have increased, with women and children most vulnerable and worst affected.
A decent toilet and a bar of soap can literally save lives now, as they prevent diseases from breaking out.”
WaterAid further raised concern that due to the devastating effects of climate change many people are living on worst crisis.
The NGO called on the Federal Governmemt to go beyond campaigns to stop open defecation and international donors to join efforts at supporting communities where people defecate in the open with the basics of life such as shelter, food, safe water to drink and portable toilets.