
Former Lawmaker Promises Drop in Petrol Pump Price, Distributes Palliatives to Constituents

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By Milcah Tanimu

Former House of Representatives member for Ogo Oluwa Surulere Federal Constituency, Segun Dokun Odebunmi, has assured Nigerians of an imminent drop in petrol prices. Addressing constituents in Iresaadu, Oyo State, Odebunmi emphasized trust in President Tinubu’s administration and highlighted forthcoming economic changes.

Critiquing the controversial petrol subsidy, Odebunmi labeled it as fraudulent, benefiting neighboring countries and select individuals. He pointed out the disparity between imported fuel volumes and subsidy payments, stressing that the true beneficiaries are external entities.

Odebunmi expressed confidence in the Federal Government’s refinery rehabilitation plans, anticipating reduced fuel prices and Nigeria’s potential as a net petrol exporter. He believes this overhaul will spur broader economic growth and bolster the energy sector.

At an event, Odebunmi distributed 1,000 bags of rice as palliatives to constituents, underlining his commitment to their welfare. He criticized federal government palliative distribution and personally facilitated this initiative to ensure aid reaches those in need.

Local political figures commended Odebunmi’s dedication to constituent welfare. Community members praised his ongoing efforts in developmental projects, empowerment, and job creation for youths.

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