
Full Speech: Atiku Addresses Controversy Over Tinubu’s Academic Records

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Ladies and gentlemen of the press, fellow citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,

I deem it necessary to speak to you today on matters that have significant implications for the future of our democracy and the legitimacy of leadership in our nation.

Political leadership and active citizenship are critical because they represent our collective effort in building a nation that serves the interests of all its citizens. Our nation is greater than any one individual, and its global standing impacts the lives of all its inhabitants. As leaders, it is our duty to promote the well-being of our people and the nation itself.

In pursuit of this goal, my generation worked tirelessly to return Nigeria to democratic rule and safeguard the people’s right to choose a legitimate government. Our elections are founded on laws and enshrined in the constitution, which provides the sole basis for the legitimacy of leadership and government in Nigeria.

It is incumbent upon us, as leaders, to uphold and protect these principles. This is the reason we are gathered here today.

Once again, we are called upon to defend and uphold the fundamental principles of democratic governance in our country. The constitution outlines the qualifications required for those seeking the highest public office in the land.

It should not take months or even decades for relevant institutions to verify the authenticity of certificates presented by candidates for public office.

We embarked on this journey at great cost and for good reason. The foundational principles of legitimate governance in Nigeria must be preserved, and the reputation of our nation is on the line. This affects all Nigerians, regardless of their location.

I am a firm believer in democracy and a proud citizen of Nigeria. The issues at stake in this matter necessitate our renewed dedication to both our nation and our constitution.

Now, we entrust these facts to all of us as citizens and as stewards of the institutions charged with interpreting our constitution. I extend my gratitude to the legal professionals in Nigeria and the United States who have assisted us in seeking clarity and definitive answers to these long-standing issues. I also want to express my appreciation to Nigerian citizens and friends of Nigeria, both within and outside our borders, for their patience as we worked to uncover the facts and establish the truth.

I pay tribute to the late human rights advocate, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, SAN, who inspired our pursuit of the truth. He can now rest assured that the effort he initiated nearly 23 years ago has borne fruit. Gani’s vindication today reaffirms the notion that no matter how swiftly falsehood may spread, the truth will ultimately prevail.

Former U.S. President Thomas Jefferson once said, “If I had to choose between government without newspapers, and newspapers without government, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose the latter.” Journalists have played a crucial role in exposing scandals like Watergate and uncovering the questionable credentials of politicians. They have been the guardians of truth when other branches of government have faltered.

In this context, I commend David Hundeyin, an independent journalist, and many other young individuals like him who have become sources of inspiration through their extraordinary work. I also express my gratitude to millions of Nigerian youths and citizen journalists who persistently disseminate the truth online, even when it seems that no one is listening. Indeed, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Their unwavering commitment to unveiling the truth and holding leaders accountable gives me hope that we have reliable partners in the quest to reclaim our beloved nation.

This endeavor is not about Atiku Abubakar. It is a mission to promote truth, morality, and accountability in our public affairs. Therefore, I call upon all well-intentioned Nigerians, thought leaders, religious figures, traditional leaders, community leaders, political leaders, and especially Governor Peter Obi of the Labour Party and Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso of the NNPP, as well as leaders of every political party in Nigeria, and every individual who loves this country as I do, and desires nothing but the best for it, to join me in this campaign to instill integrity, accountability, and fundamental principles of justice, morality, and righteousness in our nation and government. This is a collective task for us all.

Thank you for your attention, and may God bless you and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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