
Gov Eno flags off road construction in Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District

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By Ogenyi Ogenyi, Uyo
In keeping to his campaign promise of aggressive rural development, in line with the ARISE Agenda, Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom has flagged-off road construction projects to re-connect communities in Obot Akara, Essien Udim and Etim Ekpo Local Councils of the state.
The roads flagged – off include 11.71Km Abiakpo Ikot Otu-Atan Ibong-Usaka Annang Road and Nto Ndang-Nto Ekpu road Road, with two bridges, each spanning 15 metres, and 16km Midim Atan-Ikot Inyang-Ikot Akpan Ekpeyong-Etok Uruk Eshiet-Ikot Imonte road, with 30 metres span bridge, linking some villages in Essien Udim and Etim Ekpo.
At the flag-off ceremony of the Essien Udim – Etim Ekpo access road at St. Paul’s Primary School Midim, Eno said his administration is committed to the promises made during his campaign and urged the people to exercise patience as every part of the State would benefit from his administration.
The Governor reaffirmed his commitment to selecting and undertaking projects primarily on the basis of impact and benefits to the generality of the people, rather than satisfying and serving individual’s interest.
He noted that he was moved by the sad stories of the community and especially,  the “pregnant-women-swallowing-bridge” as was told by one of the community members, and assured that such sad tales would become history within the shortest time.
He stressed that the 16Km Essien Udim-Etim Ekpo road and the bridge projects had no political motivation, but a pointer to his administration’s sensitivity to the plight of the people, especially the women and children who had been exposed to avoidable risk by using the collapsed road and bridge.
According to him, “we didn’t come to do this projects based on political reasons. It is God that directs the government on this road project, not any politician.We are connecting two local government areas by this project.
“We want to thank our brother, Celestine Mel who has used his God-given talents to attract this project here. If you know this man, he is a critic in every sense, but I don’t have a problem with criticism, so far it’s very constructive and will bring good to the people, not just abusing the government.
“We want to thank you for drawing our attention to this road and to the various accidents and incidents that have occured here. We believe that by the Grace of God, all that will cease.”He said.
At the Abiakpo Ikot Otu-Atan Ibong-Usaka Annang Road and Nto Ndang-Nto Ekpu road Road, in Obot Akara Local Government Area, the Governor who was moved by the outpouring of love and gratitude by the people also approved the construction of a model primary healthcare facility to replace the dilapidated Usaka Health Centre project initiated during the military era.
At the Obot Akara event the village head of Usaka, Chief Williamson Ndarake said that Usaka had been a hugely neglected community as its only access road was by going through the neighbouring Abia  State.
While pointing out that it was the first time the community was blessed with such a high profile visitor, he appreciated the Governor for the intervention saying that the rural development component of the ARISE Agenda was indeed bearing fruits.
In their remarks, members representing Etim Ekpo/Ika and Essien Udim State Constituencies in the state Assembly, Chief Mfon Idung, and Prince Ukpong  Akpabio respectively, as well as the transition chairmen of Essien Udim and Etim Ekpo, Dr. Anthony Luke,  and Mr. Ekpuk Eshiet as well as a social critic Mr. Celestine Mel, expressed gratitude to the Governor for the heartwarming intervention and assured of their people’s continuous support for full actualisation of the ARISE Agenda.
The two roads have been awarded to indigenous contractors, Tenth Investments handling the Obot Akara project while Nsik Engineering was awarded the Essien Udim-Etim Ekpo Road.


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