
Gov Matawalle visits bereaved communities

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From Abba Kabara,  Gusau.

A few hours after his return from official foreign trip,  governor Bello Matawalle paid a timely sympathy visit to the two communities where over forty people were brutally slaughtered by bandits last week. 

The bandits numbering over a hundred riding motorcycles,  launched simultineuos attacks on two local governments of Maru where they mercilessly slaughtered forty three and Maradun where they slain ten people. 
 The incidence generated general fear and apprehension as the bandits’ operation was said to have lasted for hours in complete absence of security men. 

In Maru local government,  the bandits attacked five peasant communities of Dutsin Gari,  Talli,  Ashalafiya,  Rayau and Mahuta all under Kanoma district, where thirty three people were  confirmed killed,  while in Janbako of Maradun local government,  ten persons were confirmed killed by the bandits in the organized simultenuos attack.

During his visit to the large group of IDPs who took refuge in Ashalafiya village,  governor Matawalle deeply sympathises with the bereaved communities and promised that adequate intervention and security will be provided with immediate effect,  just as there will also be a continuous supply of feeding and protection of their  lives until they are resettled.  

In Janbako community of Maradun local government,  Governor Matawalle,  while sympathizing  with the bereaved community, donated a sum of five (5m)  million naira to lessen the sufferings of the victims.    

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