
Gov. Ododo Sets up State Electricity Regulatory Agency, Set to Generate, Distribute Power in Kogi

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By Noah Ocheni, Lokoja

The Kogi governor. Usman Ahmed Ododo has given approval to set up the State Electricity Regulatory Agency to enable the state generate and distribute its power to the citizenry.

This and other far reaching decisions were taken as measures to take the state to new heights as
the State has all it takes to generate and distribute power.

The approval to set up the Kogi State Electricity Regulatory Agency followed the advantage of the State water mass, solar potentials and massive coal deposits.

Approvals were also given for modalities to make the State play a big role in minerals exploration in line with the Federal Government policies on Solid Minerals mining and processing.

The approval is aimed at taking advantage of the many mineral deposits in the state including Lithium, Gold and others.

Alh. Ahmed Usman Ododo said his administration will cut down the cost of governance in order to save resources for massive infrastructural development.

He also announced that the SSAs and WSAs to be appointed by his administration must stay permanently with their people at the grassroots.

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