
Governor Lalong Congratulates Women Affairs Minister Dame Pauline Tallen At 63

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Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has felicitated with Minister for Women Affairs Dame Pauline Tallen as she marks her 63rd birthday.

Governor Lalong describes the Minister as a leader whose passion for women and children has motivated her over the years to work towards ensuring that their wellbeing is addressed and their rights protected.

Lalong said Dame Tallen has also shown that she is a politician with passion for development of not only Plateau State, but Nigeria as a whole as she has used her opportunities to advance the cause of the people.

While wishing her a memorable celebration, Governor Lalong expressed his determination to continue to collaborate with her towards attracting more Federal presence in the State and also ensuring that the people of Plateau State are carried along in the scheme of things.

Lalong also urged the Minister to continue her drive towards ensuring that gender violence and violence against children, men and women is addressed to provide a conducive environment for them to thrive and realise thier dreams.

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