
Governor Mutfwang Calls for Peace, Love at Christmas

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Ukandi Odey, Jos

Plateau State Governor, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has extended greetings to citizens and residents of the state and Nigerians on the occasion of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Governor Mutfwang in a statement encouraged all citizens, in Plateau and across Nigeria, to embrace the true spirit of Christmas by sharing love and exchange gifts, especially with the less privileged.

The statement says, “on behalf of your Government, I extend heartfelt wishes as we collectively commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us recall that God’s love for mankind led to the redemption through His son. This Christmas, let’s rekindle our love for humanity by dedicating our time and energy to enriching the lives of others. May we embody values of love, charity, and selflessness, contributing to a more united, peaceful, and prosperous Plateau.”

Acknowledging the challenges faced by the state, including security issues, economic hardship, and political concerns, Governor Mutfwang reassured the people that his administration is committed to alleviating these difficulties. He emphasized faith in divine intervention and called for hope and prayer for a positive turnaround.

According to Mutfwang, “as we celebrate, let’s hold onto hope, knowing that God, in His grace, will guide us through. I urge all citizens to conduct themselves peacefully, contributing to the creation of a harmonious environment for lawful activities.”

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