Graduating Best Students: An Example From AFCS Kano

By Jabiru Hassan, Kano

Kano air force comprehensive school is rapidly becoming more recognised by the parents, guardians and the host community for graduating best students in every year since inception.

The school is currently in existence to gives sound and quality education to young generations at the grassroots level in order to ensure that the graduated students remained good ambassadors in the society and everywhere they may find themselves in academic pursuits.

Furthermore, AFCS Kano which is under the authority of Nigeria Air force (NAF) is among the comprehensive schools that were established to gives good education to the beginners and at the same time teach dedication, patriotism and discipline as seen during every graduation ceremony.

This year’s ceremony which was held Thursday, 26th of November, 2020 was low key but colourful where the management under the leadership of the school’s commandant, Squadron leader E. J. Ichimi planned the events in accordance with the Covid-19 regulations by observing social distancing systems at Air Marshal MD Umar Hall, where the graduation ceremony took place.

In his welcome address, the commandant, Squadron leader E. J. Ichimi discloses that during his stay as the helm of the affairs of the school, they recorded a tremendous achievements in the school where many infrastructural progress were brought in order to ensure that more conducive teaching  facilities and atmosphere are being put in place to aid learning.

He announced that ” we have done a lot in this school by providing most necessary facilities like water, electricity, rehabilitation of the student’s hostels, classrooms, conducive environments and good orientation to students that enabled them to acquire the best education before proceedings to other domestic and international academies to further education”. He emphasized.

Squadron leader E. J. Ichimi thanked the NAF headquarters for giving  education special consideration at all the existing comprehensive schools that are under it’s jurisdictions where many graduated AFCS students remained good ambassadors in education in Nigeria and abroad like what is being witnessed nowadays.

Ichimi called on the parents and guardians whose wards were oppotuned  to be at the school  to gives more supports to their wards and kids in acquiring good education for better tomorrow, and assured that AFCS Kano would continue to graduate best students that can be proud of in the country.

He also commended the  commandant 455 Base Services Groups  Air Commodore M. A. Isah for all the necessary supports being given to AFCS Kano that resulted in the progress of the school’s academic performance like what is being witnessed every academic session, and thanked the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school for their untiring  efforts for all the successes being recorded at the academy.

In his remarks, the special guest of honour who is also the  commandant, 455 Base Services Group Kano, Air commodore M.A.Isah congratulated the outgoing students for graduating from  one of the NAF’s comprehensive schools urging them to be more courageous in all their future careers, and tasked the present students to also be punctual and ready to learn especially nowadays when quality education at the grassroots level remained the best option.

He commended the commandant on the recent victory at the schools academic performance and assured that he would continue to gives all the necessary supports and counsellings that would be useful to the school without tiredness.

A parent who witnessed the occasion for the first time,  the kano state cahirman of the all farmers association, Alhaji Abdulrashid Magaji Rimin Gado,  disclosed that” from what I have seen and witnessed  during the graduation ceremony, AFCS Kano is one of the best secondary schools formed by the Nigeria air force that gives excellent education, discipline and being true nationalist  to the young generations, therefore I congratulated the graduated students and of course the school’s commandant and his lieutenants for the job weldone”. He concluded