
Gunmen invade UNIABUJA kidnap professor his 2 children and others

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Gunmen in the early hours of today invaded the staff quarters of the University of Abuja and abducted five persons including a professor, two of his children and two others.

According to eye withesses the gunmen reported stormed the staff quarters at about 1:00am and started shooting sporadically.

“they were shooting sporadically for over two hours before they went for their target. We are yet to determine if the kidnapped victims were targetted or if this was a random operation”

A lecturer in the Faculty of Arts who refused to be mentioned but a resident of the staff quarters identified the abducted professor as professor Obansa Joseph, of the economics department and two of his children, a male and a female. He was abducted alongside two others.

Dr Habib Yakoob, the spokesperson of the University has confirmed the development but said a full statement would be issued subsequently after gathering the full facts of what happened. He however noted that security men have been mobilized and were on the trail of the kidnappers.

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