Health Benefits Of Alligator Pepper

Alligator pepper (also known as mbongo spice or hepper pepper) is a West Africanspice made from the seeds and seed pods of Aframomum danielliA. citratum or A. exscapum.

The plants which provide alligator pepper are herbaceous perennials of the ginger (Zingiberaceae) family of flowering plants, native to swampy habitats along the West African coast.

Alligator pepper is beneficial to health its used to cure the following:

Body ache

Anti inflammatory


Malaria treatment

Sperm booster

Energy booster


Weight loss

Worm expellant

Heals vommitting

Anti cancer

Skin care

Heals menstruation cramp

Treat depression

Body detox

Cardiovascular health

Protects body at cellular level

Remove harmful bacteria and allow helpful bacteria to thrive

Heals arthritis

Boost immune system

Heals Flu or common cold

Helps blood flow

Heals muscle pains.