Healthy living: 5 Foods men should avoid

Fatty meats: Bacon and rib eye steaks may taste amazing, but I’ve got some bad news about their health effects. When you eat too much of this type of food, you can get high blood pressure and heart disease, so it’s best to limit these options in your diet.

Alcohol: Okay, we all know alcohol isn’t exactly good for you, save for the occasional glass of red wine. And yet we still drink it. But if you’re going for improved health, it’s best to limit alcohol in any form, since booze tends to be heavy on the carbs (and/or sugar), which can lead to more belly fat.

Fast food and processed foods: I know fast food and prepackaged, processed foods are quick and convenient. But they’re also pretty bad for your health (which you already knew!). No one needs this much sodium and saturated fats in their diet, so keep it to a minimum if you want to stick to key nutrients men really need.

Sugary drinks or snacks : Cookies, muffins, donuts, fruit juices, and soda may be tempting in a pinch…but they’re typically filled with insane amounts of sugar that you don’t need in your body. Just say no!

Margarine: I think we were all told margarine was better for us years ago, but newer studies have revealed that real butter is actually better—not only from a flavor standpoint, but also a health standpoint! That’s because its ingredients are far more natural than margarine, which has lots of trans fats that wreak havoc on cholesterol levels.
Now that you know foods men should stay away from – there’s no reason to not be working toward peak health! You owe it to yourself to get as many key nutrients as possible if you want to stay in good shape. You can start with this list, and go ahead and add a supplement or two.