Here are boyfriend habits women hate

Here are 3 boyfriend habits women hate:

1. When they have too many female friends

When people are dating, there is always a high chance that the boyfriend is still connected with his female friends. This is something that annoys most women because a woman may end up feeling as if her boyfriend can easily cheat with one of the females. This is always not about trust, insecurity, or jealousy; it is something that just happens.

2. When they don’t pay attention

Most women always go the extra mile of looking great just to attract their boyfriend’s attention. However, it is usually annoying whenever the boyfriends do not appreciate their women by not paying attention to whatever good that their girlfriends are trying to do.

3. When they don’t listen

Women love to be given time when talking to their boyfriends. Unfortunately, that is always not the case. A good number of boyfriend whenever they are watching football or anything that they are in love with they rarely listen to what they are being told and that annoys most women.