How to earn respect

Respect is an attitude of consideration or high regard. It cannot be bought or given freely to those who do not deserve it.
We all crave honour, respect and dignity. We love it when people respect us. We get excited and elated when people treat us honourably.
As a boss, without coersing your followers or instilling severe purnishment in them. They can respect you gladly. You just need to do some basic things that will make both the young and old respect you.
Now, how do you make people respect you gladly?
Below are five ways to make people respect you;

(1) Respect Others

It is often said that respect is reciprocal. If you want people to respect you, respect others. Respect people’s opinions and decisions.
Naturally, people gladly respect those who are respectful. Anyone who is too pompous to honour others cannot enjoy people’s honour.
Normally, there should be a special way you address elderly ones. You don’t address the elderly ones the way you address young people.
Although, you are older than some of your followers, but talk to them and work with them respectfully. If you want those people to gladly respect and honour you.

(2) Make Yourself Respectable

How can you expect people to respect a 50-year-old man who lies or steals? Nobody will respect such a man because he hasn’t made himself respectable.
Those who crave the respect of others must do things that will make people respect them. The truth is; respect is earned it is not freely given.
Until you start doing things that will make people treat you honourably, you will never be respected. Stop doing things that will portray you as an object of scorn.
Be positive about your decisions. Take decisions that will earn you more respect.

(3) Help People

How do you normally see those who have helped you in one way or the other? Do you see them as irresponsible, responsible, good people?
Honestly, no sane man will deliberately dishonor his destiny helper.
Most of the time miscreants hail and honour wealthy men. They don’t hail them because those people are wealthy but because they are expecting some money from those people.
However, if those rich people don’t give them anything, they may get disappointed and lose their respect for them.
Please, don’t misinterpret my message. My message is simple. If you bless people, they will honour you. If you help the needy, you will be respected for that.
My point is; people gladly respect those who help them while they disrespect people who refuse to help them.

(4) Be A Responsible Person

To earn people’s respect, you must be a responsible person. Do you know why some wives disrespect their husbands?
It is because those men have abdicted their responsibilities and left everything in the hands of their wives.
Be a responsible mother. Never expect your children to honor you in the future if you cannot train them up in the way of the Lord now.
For everyone who wants to be respected. Firstly, learn how to be a responsible person and let’s see if people will not respect you.

(5) Stop Asking For It

Well, you may not like this point but it is the truth. I have seen people who are fond of asking people to kneel down for them, and do all sorts of things, in a bid to earn respect from them.
When people see that you are so engrossed with the acts of honour and respect. They may decide to frustration you and never respect you.
Listen, you don’t need to beg people to honor you. Just do the things that will make people respect you gladly.
People know what they are supposed to do. But if you are forcing your will on them, they may not ex scute it gladly. Just command respect through your way of life and giving lifestyle.

In summary;
Be relentlessly proactive. Don’t always wait for direction from others.
Keep your promises. This is by far one of the most important actions you can take to start gaining respect.
Stop apologizing. …
Don’t waste other people’s time. …
Stop gossiping immediately. …
Stop being too nice. …
Practice humility. …
Have a moral code