How to Enjoy the Premier League if Your Wife Dislikes Football

These strategies will help you enjoy the new Premier League season without causing tension at home.

For many married men, watching the Premier League can be challenging, especially if their wives have no interest in football. This can lead to frequent arguments and frustration when trying to watch matches. The situation can become even more strained when your wife’s favorite show is on, and the battle for the remote control begins.

However, there are ways to enjoy the Premier League season without causing any friction.

Three Strategies to Enjoy the Premier League if Your Wife Hates Football

1. Find a Compromise
By now, your wife is likely aware of your love for football and how “obsessed” you might be with it. To ensure peace during match times, try coming to a compromise. Discuss specific times when you want to watch games and allow her to share when her favorite shows will be on. This way, you can decide together who gets the remote at what time.

2. Get Her Interested in Football
Some women have developed an interest in football because someone took the time to explain the game to them. If you take the time to explain the basics of football and why you’re so passionate about it, your wife might start to enjoy the game as well. She may even join you in watching matches.

3. Watch with Friends
One of the best ways to enjoy football is with friends, especially those who support rival teams. Instead of staying home and monopolizing the TV, consider going out to a nearby viewing center to watch the game. This allows you to enjoy the match in peace while your wife watches her favorite shows.

As the Premier League season kicks off, which of these strategies will you choose?