How to make yourself attractive to women

Dating and attraction have a lot to do with outward appearance. As much as people hate to admit it, what we look like and how we present ourselves does matter to a certain degree. Especially given modern dating apps like Bumble and Tinder, where interest and attraction are both based upon appearance, instead of what you are like on the inside.
So you might be asking yourself, what you can do to boost your attraction with women? Have no fear, and check out some tweaks you can make to your outward appearance to make it as amazing as what truly matters, the inside.

A Sense of Style
Your clothes say a lot about you as a person. They show personality before really getting to know you. You never know where your day will take you, or who you will meet at any given time during the day. When getting ready every morning, it is best to keep that in mind, and try to look as put together as you can to show your best self. That being said, there are some essential tips that every man should try their best to follow.
Look at style guides that can help you start dressing better and eventually develop your own personal well-dressed style. Or if you really want to delve deep into the world of men’s style, check out the book Off the Cuff: The Essential Style Guide for Men–And the Women Who Love Them by Carson Kreesley, from the original Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. He shares professional tips with a touch of humor.

Luscious Locks
As much as women enjoy having their hair played with, they also enjoy returning the favor and running their hands through your hair. However, many men start losing hair in their early 20s, with 85 percent of men experiencing some form of male pattern baldness by the age of 50.
If you’re experiencing signs of hair loss, there are solutions out there for you. One that is gaining attention is Finasteride – an FDA approved medication that treats hair loss in men. Finasteride is a product available through companies like Hims, men’s wellness company. The process is easy. The company connects you with a doctor online to prescribe you the correct dosage, then ship it to you in a discreet box so no one but you has to know.

A Signature Scent
Attraction is largely based on our senses being stimulated at different times, and nothing stimulates us more than scent. While you may not want to tweak you outward appearance, it is still important to smell good. Finding the right cologne is essential.
Your signature scent is another way to express your personality, and preferences, before a woman has a chance to get to know you. Plus, knowing you smell great while rocking your favorite cologne is an instant confidence booster, and confidence is an extremely attractive trait. While you might think cologne is too expensive for you, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
There are great smelling colognes for every budget. All you have to do is test a few in store to find the perfect scent and price for you.

Respect the Beard
Facial hair is becoming more of a norm. Many men are opting to grow facial hair, and each has his own reason why. Women, however, can find your beard to be itchy, or uncomfortable when its brushed against her skin. Plus, no woman likes the look of an unruly and unkept beard; it just doesn’t look good guys.
That is why, if you need to have your beard or scruff, it is important to maintain it and keep it groomed. An effective solutions is a product like Jack Black Beard Grooming Kit . This simple tool has the essentials to keep your beard looking, and feeling great. The best part is that it all comes in one package that includes beard wash, beard lube conditioning shave, beard oil and a beard comb.

A Stunning Smile
Believe it or not, teeth are something that women judge as a determinant of attractiveness. Specifically they can be turned off by crooked and stained teeth. While your dentist can help with straightening your teeth, whitening is something that you can work on yourself.
A simple solution can be found in GQ’s guide on how to whiten your teeth . Making changes as simple as the foods, or beverages you consume, can make all the difference in making your teeth brighter. Brighter teeth have numerous benefits like smiling more, which is something that women also find attractive.
Smiling and thus showing joy and happiness brightens up your entire face, making you more attractive physically and as a person.
While some might consider altering your physical appearance to become more attractive to be shallow, it is actually quite the opposite. You are putting effort and investing time into yourself. Making small changes to the way you present yourself to the world can boost your confidence in a big way and once you feel good about yourself, others will take notice too.