How to take good care of your skin in harmattan season

Who does not love a healthy, attractive skin? It’s harmattan season, you do not want to experience dry, dull, whitish(looking like a ghost), unattractive and pale skin during this season.
Harmattan is a very harsh time of the month and now that it is here, you have to take proper care of your body and make sure you look charming no matter what.

• Avoid hot water bath: yes, I said it. Rather , use lukewarm water that will protect the skin from losing its natural oils which hot water removes, leaving the skin scratchy and extra dry.

• Moisturizer: since harmattan leaves your skin dry, whitish and pale, it’s best to moisturize your skin immediately after bath. Moisturizing helps to keep your skin hydrated and also ensures that the skin does not lose the natural oil the body produces.

•Eat nourishing foods and fruits, it will help in boosting skin and body immunity.

•Drink plenty of water: it prevents dehydration, severe cases of dehydration can even lead to death. When your body is dehydrated, you will feel tired, your skin may become dry or you might feel dizzy and get cramps, but those are only the lighter symptoms of dehydration. When it gets worse, one may even start behaving irrationally or get heat strokes.

• Get yourself a lip balm: during this period, the lips easily get dry. Use lip balm to keep the lip moist. Lips balms also protect lips from breaking.