Huawei could turn into world’s top smartphone brand without Google – Founder

In an exclusive meeting with CNN, Huawei originator Ren Zhengfei was clear. He trusts Huawei could turn into the world’s top of the line smartphone brand, even without Google.

On the off chance that you don’t have a clue, arriving at the top spot in cell phone deals was the organization’s enormous objective. Huawei to 2019. In any case, for supposed security reasons, Huawei has been restricted from the United States, which keeps it from utilizing Google benefits on its most recent gadgets.

Despite the fact that Huawei is as of now the pioneer in broadcast communications gear, in the portable section Samsung is as yet the pioneer. Driving the way is more diligently without gadgets with the Play Store, Gmail, Maps, or Youtube, yet Huawei is sure.

“I don’t think this is a problem,” says Ren Zhengfei, in regards to Google. In any case, Huawei has over and over said that it likes to cooperate with Google in the event that it is conceivable.

If it’s not too much trouble note that Microsoft has just gotten a unique permit to consult with Huawei, if this doesn’t bargain US national security. As indicated by Ren, Google has not yet had any permit affirmed, however neither has been denied.

In all actuality Huawei keeps on having great outcomes in its business, on account of its household showcase. The organization presently stands by persistently for Google to be authorized for exchanging, or should head out in its own direction.