
I petitioned a full scale rape investigation be carried out on me -Uti Nwachukwu

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Following a rape allegation against him, Nigerian model and actor, Uti Nwachukwu, petitioned the Nigeria Police Force demanding a full-scale rape investigation be carried out on him.

This is coming after an unknown social media user took to micro blogging platform, Twitter to claim that Uti raped her in August 2017.

She also shared a screenshot, which claimed that the reality TV star apologized for the act.

Uti Nwachukwu, had yesterday taken to social media to deny the allegation, claiming that the so called screenshots were doctored.

“I reject this characterisation and deny this baseless allegation in the strongest terms possible.

Furthermore I am urging this faceless victim to report this purported crime to the nearest police station
I am willing to pay for all the fees you incur in reporting this alleged crime

if after 3 days u fail to disclose yourself or report the crime, I shall proceed to report the case and the blogs and other internet host spreading this fake news to the inspector general of police for cyber terrorism and Libel.

I am appalled and disgusted that blogs are too lazy to properly investigate baseless claims before putting up badly scripted and edited posts on their pages all for numbers they get from the back and forth drama. Shame.
How do you put up posts from a faceless twitter page created months ago?
You put up fabricated and photoshopped chats and tweets doctored by these mindless trolls without proper investigation? .
Once again dear faceless victim, 3 days and your time starts now.” He wrote.

Giving an update on the case, Uti revealed that he has petitioned the police, to demand a full-scale investigation on him.

This will be my final words on this issue until my alleged accuser avails herself to the police’ He wrote on Twitter.

See the letter below…

Uti however took to Instagram and wrote;

“I have today, June 5th 2020 filed a petition to the Inspector General of Police, demanding a full-scale investigation.

I don’t even know where to begin this from, or what words to use Because I’m angry, hurt and utterly disgusted; but these are feelings I’m now too afraid to express without being attacked for.

I’m appalled that blogs now resort to reporting allegations made anonymously online, without according people the respect of a proper investigation.

How do I defend myself against someone I can neither identify, nor address and still remain calm. •

As A STRONG ADVOCATE AGAINST RAPE, my immediate response is always to listen to the victim and let their voice be heard because too many have been forced into silence.

But what I never considered, and perhaps now I should, was how to do this if you’re the accused; and that’s where I find myself now. •

My position on rape REMAINS THE SAME, that it is a violent human rights scourge that no human being must ever suffer. •

And for this very reason, I refuse to be a part of anyone setting women’s voices back when they’re finally finding the courage to speak and are slowly being heard.

Which is why I’m dedicating myself to getting to the bottom of this, by pursuing these allegations to THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW; and I expect my accuser to do the same.

Although I’m hurt, I recognize that this is bigger than me.

My innocence when proven will hopefully deter others from destroying the many years of advocacy towards ending rape in our society.”


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