

Must read

By Sam Akanimo

The people of Okomu, in Ovia South West Local Government Area of Edo State, have started to agitate for a military base in their community. This is sequel to the incessant attacks on the community by unknown gunnen. They are accordingly appealing to President Bola Tinubu, and the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja, to provide them a military base in the community.

Armed youths allegedly led by one Lawrence Yanbor, invaded the community last May 14, burnt down over 30 houses in the community, shot some of the state security network personnel in their base and also set ablaze a horse power speed boat donated by the state government.

The armed men were said to have also invaded the community on June 7, attacked military personnel, shot the traditional ruler of the community and also carted away ancestral valuables.

The Ibeiyaidonwei of Okomu, Chief Edwin Denmene, in a statement on behalf of Okomu Traditional Council; Ayewa Eres, Vice Chairman, Ijaw Youth Council (IYC), Okomu clan, and Samson Yanbor, former Vice Chairman, IYC, West Zone, said until military base is stationed in the community and the culprits arrested, the attacks will persist.

“We want the government to come to our aid; we need a military base in our community to ensure peace in the community. If this is not done, and Lawrence is not arrested, this problem will continue”, the statement stated.

Denmene said they have written several letters to the state government seeking to meet with the governor but to no avail, adding that they have also petitioned the Commissioner of Police and Director of Department State Services (DSS) in the state.


“We have been calling on the state government for intervention. Personally, the community has written letters to the governor and also informed him on this issue, but up till now nothing has been heard from the government.

Even the local government chairman was informed of the incident on the second day of the incident. The chairman of the local government met with some persons affected in Benin and promised to meet with the governor alongside the affected persons, but up till now, we have not heard from the local government chairman, neither have we heard from the governor.

We believe that the government has failed in its responsibility of securing the lives and properties of Okomu people. This is almost a month, we have not heard from the government. I don’t know if Okomu community in Ovia South West is not part of Edo”, the statement said.

On the government linking the attacks to cultism and Okagheles, the Okomu chief said: “The statement by the Commissioner for Communication and Orientation, Chris Nehikhare, linking the attack in Okomu community to Okagheles and cultism was a pure mixup. The attack on Okomu has nothing to do with cultism or Okagheles, it is purely criminality.”

We are purely Ijaw people, we don’t know what is called Okagheles in Ijaw communities. Also speaking, IYC’s Vice Chairman, Okomu clan, Ayewa lamented that due to the attacks, the community has been deserted, adding that many are currently in the bush taking refuge while others have fled to neighbouring communities for safety. He, therefore, appealed to the leaders of the Ijaw nation across the Niger Delta and beyond to rise to the challenge of rescuing Okomu from attack.

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